Welcome to Tk20 at UNA

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The Official Assessment Management System for the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of North Alabama

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What is TK20?

Tk20 is an online tool by Watermark the College of Education and Human Sciences (COEHS) at UNA chose to use for students to assist them as they prepare to become professionals, educators, and leaders. Tk20 helps students record field experience gained while completing their clinical training, build portfolios for employment and/or continued education, log time spent on various educational activities, and to help with state certification. It is also used by the COEHS to help collect, manage, analyze, and report data needed for program improvement, and to satisfy the reporting demands for accreditations at state, regional, and national levels.

To ensure that COEHS graduates are prepared to work in their chosen professions, as well as to satisfy all assessment-related requirements of accrediting and approval bodies for quality programs, the COEHS conducts systematic assessment of candidates, programs, and operations. Assessment requirements to maintain state approvals and national accreditation are very specific, quite extensive, and complex. Several tools are used by the COEHS to manage assessment plans including Tk20, a system that allows students to submit a variety of assessments (course embedded assignments, field experience evaluations, observations, portfolios, etc.) that are used to measure student performance. These assessments are then connected to other student performance data such as scores on entrance and certification tests taken outside the COEHS and grades in courses. Programs then use these multiple sources of data to examine and improve courses and make curricular and procedural revision that are needed to improve student learning. TK20 is a required tool for all COEHS students.


How will I use TK20?

Depending on your role in the teacher education process, you will use TK20 for different things. Please see the list of ways each role uses TK20 below.

Teacher Candidates

Teacher candidates will use their UNA username and password to log into TK20.
Teacher candidates will use TK20 to accomplish the following:

  • Apply to the Teacher Education Program
  • Apply for internship
  • View course assignments collected for accrediting purposes
  • Compile and submit the edTPA performance Assessment
  • Complete internship assignments, including lesson plans, teacher work samples, and surveys.
  • Create an ePortfolio used for graduate level comprehensive/exit exam.


Faculty will use their UNA username and password to log into TK20.
Faculty will use TK20 for the following:

  • Complete and view course level assessment data
  • Complete and view field experience assessment data
  • Complete and view clinical experience (internship) evaluations
  • Complete surveys
  • View edTPA submissions
  • Review student lists every semester for accuracy for each course
  • Review assessments for each course

Cooperating Teachers

Cooperating teacher will use links e-mailed to them to access their assigned Intern's binder in TK20.
Cooperating teachers will use TK20 for the following:

  • Complete and view clinical experience (internship) evaluations
  • Complete surveys

How do I get help with TK20?

UNA TK20 Resources

Please view our TK20 resources page for help documents addressing common questions we recieve about TK20.

UNA TK20 Help Resources


TK20 Help Desk

When questions arise in TK20, it is helpful to view the resources available at the TK20 Help Desk web site.


TK20 Unit Administrator

If you cannot find the answer to your question at the help desk, your first point of contact for questions should be directed to the TK20 Unit administrator.

Ms. Nikole Evans
TK20 Unit Administrator


TK20/Watermark Customer Support

If the Unit Administrator is unavailable, you can contact TK20/watermark customer support.
Watermark Support